This evening I downloaded a template for one of the envelopes I looked at a few days ago and have been playing with the layout of it, trying to make it distinguishable from the business card but similar at the same time.
The envelope was a bit smaller than I wanted it to be, so I scaled it up in Illustrator so it was 22cm wide, meaning that an A4 sheet can be folded up into three to fit inside comfortably.
Doing this scaled up the tabs as well, so I left a 3cm margin around all the edges so as to ensure any acetate wouldn't show any glued areas. I then split the remaining area into two columns using the golden ratio, put the smaller area on the left and planned to put the acetate on that side, which leaves plenty of space on the right for a stamp. The text was in 18pt Gotham Light as that makes it easily readable and the same size as my name on the business card. I put the logo below this leaving a gap half the size of the margins between the two, and the same 1.5cm gap between the acetate area and the text/logo. This keeps the text fairly central whilst leaving plenty of room for the postage stamp.
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