Monday, 20 April 2015

End of Year Presentation

Below is my presentation for Brief 3 as well as some commentary with an idea of what I hope to say to accompany each slide when it comes to delivering it.

Slide 1To hold the place while I compose myself and let any noise quiet down.

Slide 2: Talking about how my strengths and weaknesses now are still the same as they were when I started the course, but I can now consider logic to to be a weakness in some situations and a lack of diversity to be a strength in some situations.

Slide 3: Images I put on my first post in PPP last year of design that interested me then that doesn't particularly interest me now as the top one is more advertising/photography and the bottom one is is hand-rendered type, which I see no appeal in doing whatsoever.

Slide 4: My personal branding reflects my approach to design in that I don't take it too seriously in how I approach it, and try to keep it simple.

Slide 5: I looked at a few studios that I think have similar approaches to design as I do and found Bleed and N&S as my favourite two, although they had the drawbacks of being located in Norway and Finland.

Slide 6: Around the time I was looking at Bleed and N&S I was contacted by Ochre Media through my blog. They were impressed with my blogging and asked me if I'd like to write a post on their blog in order to help my exposure. I didn't feel I was in a knowledgable enough position to contribute, and I thought starting out my networking with a company based in India wasn't the best way for me to start out.

Slide 7: Square One is a design agency in Sheffield that a family friend works for, they tend to do work for local organisations and companies. I've organised to go in and do a work placement with them for a couple a weeks late this summer.

Slide 8: Vivid design is another Sheffield-based agency. They primarily work on web-based projects and marketing campaigns. If I managed to organise some work with them, I feel like this would be a complementary work placement to Square One because of the variety of work that the companies do between them.

Slides 9 & 10: The projects I've enjoyed working on most this year have been ones where I've either been working with other people. This has surprised me because I don't normally enjoy group projects because of the compromise that it involves. This is a sign of me becoming more open-minded as a person, which is important as I've always been quite a stubborn person.

Slide 11: Over summer I'll be doing a work placement with Square One and hopefully with Vivid. I'm also going to try and do a lot of first-hand research for my dissertation, as I've really enjoyed working on my essay this year and want this positive attitude to carry through naturally to my dissertation. I've started reading the Antichrist by Nietzsche for a brief in OUGD505 and find his thoughts really interesting, so I want to read some of his books over Summer to get a more thorough knowledge of his thoughts. Next year I primarily want to continue enjoying the course whilst being more ambitious in my projects and develop a portfolio.

Slide 12: Slide to be shown after I'm finished if anyone has any questions.

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