Monday, 20 April 2015

PPP End of Module Evaluation

My Approach

Compared to last year, I’ve made more of an effort with PPP this year and I think this has really paid of in terms of how I understand where I’m at as a designer. I’ve made more of an effort to incorporate content from my other modules into PPP on my blog, and being constantly aware of being on the watch for things to post to my PPP blog has made me more aware of even the little steps forward I’ve made this year. Because of this PPP has been more at the forefront of my mind than last year, which has resulted in a much stronger blog, reflecting how much more I’ve gained from the module this year than last year as a person and as a designer. I feel much more comfortable on the course because of this.


That I decided that I didn’t need a website has emphasised to me the importance of developing a portfolio next year, as I don’t currently have much work that I’d be happy to show at an interview. This element of PPP has been particularly useful to me as I now know that I need to spend more time working on a variety of coherent outcomes to each brief.

My work still isn’t focussed enough for me to decide where I want to be in and what I want to do, but the process of having to think about it currently to create personal branding and a web presence is valuable experience for when I need to do it conclusively, which will hopefully be at some point next year.


Despite the reasonable amount of research I’ve done into different design studios, my interaction with the majority of them has been, limited only to a very brief e-mail conversation and a 10 minute phone call. Having said that, even this is a step forward from last year. I believe this to be a confidence issue more than anything else, which is something that is slowly improving.

Unfortunately I’ve not managed to narrow down the field of my work to a specific area to develop a speciality that I either excel in or particularly enjoy. That said, I’m enjoying the course in general more this year, which can only be good.

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