This was the presentation we showed today. I think it went really well. Below it is some feedback that was given to us by both John and the rest of the group, as well as some stuff we forgot to mention.
Is The Name Misleading?
We don't think the name is misleading at all. Anyone who's serious about getting some graphic design work will look into various studios in order to decide what is the right studio for them, and if we are the right studio for them, their research should point them in our direction assuming we establish a web presence.
Isn't It A Bit Masculine, Potentially Isolating A Female Market?
The concept itself has the potential to be quite masculine, which was why the logo and branding was designed to specifically not be masculine, and more concentrate on a mix between traditional and modern design.
Confusion About Pricing
I think it came across that we were only anticipating a total income of £28.50 an hour. I didn't make clear that we were expecting to have between 3 and 5 clients at a time, and the income would be £28.50 an hour per client.
The Business Combs Are Really Cool
Yes they are.
Things We Didn't Include
We're A Limited Liability Company
Because the numbers in the finances the company could be potentially involved with are quite high, we're not particularly comfortable with them having had no business experience. Picking this sort of company protects us against mistakes financially.
Having A Barber Working In The Studio
One of the benefits behind having a larger, more expensive studio is that we could employ a barber to cut peoples hair in the shop window, with us taking the money made from this as company profit too. This would be very viable because of it being a student area, and having a cheap barber is an attractive proposition. This would also work as a gimmick to create awareness of the company.
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